November 28, 2002: Apple Stores Hit Goal

Apple opened fifty retail locations in the first year of the ongoing effort. Things went well enough that the company decided to double the number …(read more)

November 27, 1996: Jobs Calls Amelio

Apple was in a bad way and Gil Amelio was doing everything he could think of to right the ship. Remedies included layoffs, killing projects …(read more)

November 26, 1993: Apple II Finally Discontinued

Apple's most successful computer wasn't a Mac, wasn't even a mouse-based machine. It was the Apple II.The Apple II was designed by Woz because he …(read more)

November 25, 1998: A Bug’s Life Released

Pixar's second movie was A Bug's Life. Like most Pixar movies, the plot was standard stuff. A misfit causes unintentional mayhem and later redeems himself.As …(read more)

November 24, 2002: Movies Via the Net

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Sony, Universal, Paramount and Warner Bros. are competing studios, but the companies set aside their differences to focus on shared goals and fired up …(read more)

November 23, 1995: Toy Story Premieres

The history of Pixar, thus far, can be divided into two sections: money sucking hobby of Steve Jobs and incredibly successful movie studio. The dividing …(read more)

November 22, 1985: Sculley and Gates Sign Agreement Allowing Microsoft to Use Mac Technology

Gates and Sculley had reached an agreement on October 24 of the previous month that would allow Microsoft to use Mac technology in Windows in …(read more)

November 21, 2005: Apple Announces Long-Term Supply Agreements for Flash Memory

One of the most oft-heard arguments about Mac pricing concerns economies of scale. The theory is that Dell's huge volume allows them to purchase mass …(read more)

November 20, 2004: First Apple Store Opens in Europe

The story of Apple retail stores is one of maximum secrecy followed by snowballing success. The skeptics, and there were many, were quickly silenced when …(read more)

November 19, 1997: Jobs Honored Twice

Many see Steve Jobs's performance since his return to Apple as nothing less than miraculous. It is important to remember that he did plenty before …(read more)

November 18, 2003: Apple Introduces 20” iMac

The first iMac featured a 15" inch CRT screen and translucent plastics. The design motif took over the world for a time (even stud finders …(read more)

November 17, 1994: Apple Settles with Carl Sagan

Carl Sagan had a knack for presenting high-minded physics and astronomy to the masses. Well, masses may be too strong a word, but he was …(read more)