Mitravelus's Profile

  • Apr 13, 2007
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Latest comments made by: Mitravelus

  • Heh well if it's windows theres not that guarantee either. Mitravelus
    Mitravelus had this to say on Apr 10, 2007 Posts: 5
    And They Said the Mac Was Intuitive
  • @pipj Ah it depends on what you want in general. Yes OS X is a good operating system, but i prefer linux to it for the simple fact that it's free as are all the apps for it. And if you know what your doing is more customizable than any OS out there. Granted linux is by far not the most reasonable choice for user friendly and how you define a better operating system is up to you. Plus the OS X kernel has a large portion of BSD code i hate how BSD operates. Mitravelus p.s. Yes i know i sound like a linux fanboy but for all those out there i have tried ALOT of operating systems and linux seems to be the most moldable out of all of them.
    Mitravelus had this to say on Apr 10, 2007 Posts: 5
    And They Said the Mac Was Intuitive
  • And you need comprehension of that of a noob of which you don't have. Mitravelus
    Mitravelus had this to say on Apr 10, 2007 Posts: 5
    And They Said the Mac Was Intuitive
  • Jesus Christ this is why society is slowly falling apart. Because people like you blame your own fault son others. It's not Apple's fault. It's yours you went with third party in this case ignoring all permissions and doing something ignorant. That and don't randomly delete system folders that's just plain stupidity in the first place. Only used advanced tools if you know what your doing which you obviously don't. For all those out there who are probably going to accuse me of being a Mac hater, I'm not personally i like any unix based operating system other than BSD. I personally stick with linux because BEING AN EXPERIENCED USER AND KNOWING WHAT I AM DOING this is ideal for me. Dude get some intelligence, stay out of the system folder and take responsibility for your own actions. Mitravelus
    Mitravelus had this to say on Apr 10, 2007 Posts: 5
    And They Said the Mac Was Intuitive